Monday, February 6, 2017

Student Management System

SLIIT 2nd year Final Project - Student Management System

For the 2nd year 2nd semester Final IT Project we developed a Management System for SLIIT Kandy Branch. This system will provide easy solutions to various major issues faced by the institution with their manual system.

As we know the success of an educational organizational highly depends on its ability to get accurate and reliable on carrying out operations of different nature and to manage these information effectively for future use. It consumes a lot of time to manually keep track of all activities, subjected to crash and is inefficient. Hence, an automated system is demanding.

The core objective this system is to come up with an up to date system which will perform the required administrative and management tasks efficiently. It will also provide an integrated system as they were handling all activities separately.

For the problem introduced by our client we decided to implement a Web based system that will deliver the tools to simplify the tasks of managing the data and extracting information effectively.

Other objectives are as follows.

  1. Keep track of Student Attendance, Financial Data, and Exam Results etc. 
  2. Manage Inventory items and reduce data duplication. 
  3. Increase security by managing different user levels 
  4. Simplify hours of complex complications such as calculating accounting data. 
  5. Generate various kind of Charts to analyze data. 
  6. System inbuilt Print, Email, Export and other special functions.

Other benefits that will be provided by the system are as follows.

  1. Efficient record management. 
  2. User friendly interfaces 
  3. Search records efficiently 
  4. Easy to use. 
  5. Concurrent use. 
Main goal of developing this system is to provide a software solution in the form of a web application to automate the manual processes done by the staff members in order to increase the convenience and efficiency.

What you did individually to the Project?

Our group had 8 members and we divided the project into 8 sections and assigned them accordingly. I did the Accounting section of the project. 

Following are the functions that I developed. 
  1. Record (Add, edit, update, delete) degree student fees, Expense Details. 
  2. User friendly Data insert and email interfaces. 
  3. Record Daily Expenses.(Automatically calculates Price, Balance due, Total, Sub Total ) 
  4. Dynamic Search options (Search Student No, Expense No) in every page. 
  5. Sending payment confirmation and payment reminder emails for each student. 
  6. Send email option to anyone. 
  7. Print data driven and live editable Receipts, Purchase Order, Invoice. 
  8. Export all tables to xls format. 
  9.  Analyze tables (Degree Student fee and Expense detail tables) from data driven Charts.

Analysing Expenses using Bar charts


If you were to do it again what would you have done differently?

I would use a framework like Codeigniter to build the web application and introduce it to the other members as well rather than coding the application manually. Using a framework would have made development easier and we would have saved a lot of time and focusing on developing more functions from the saved time.
Understanding more about my team members' strengths and weaknesses.
Should have used a code repository tool like git or GitHub.
Technologies used: HTML5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL, PHP, Bootstrap framework, PHPMailer, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, WAMP. 

--Ashen Jayasinghe --

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