Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Javascript Tutorial

First I will be explaining the answers for the questions in the 2nd lab sheet in detail and the screenshots of the working code will be shown at the end of each question.


//write a function as a variable that prints "Hello World" to console and another function which //accepts that variable.

var printHello = function () {

console.log("Hello World");


printHello(); //calling function

// The argument passed to the second function should be executed as a function inside the body.

function getInstance (hello) {



//Call the second function passing the first function as the argument.


Okay now we are done with the first question!!! 😄😄 Moving on to the 2nd question.


Use curly brackets to create JSON like JavaScript object and add properties and functions to the object.

3 )

  • Declare a global variable named vehicleName in the window object
                            window.vehicleName = "Toyota";

  •   Declare a method named printVehicleName to print out the vehicle name
                                     function printvehicleName() {

                 console.log("Vehicle Name = " + this.vehicleName);

  •  Declare an object named Vehicle(using object literal notation) which have a variable called vehicleName and declare a function named getVehicleName and assign it with the printVehicleName
                                       var Vehicle = {

                        getVehicleName:printvehicleName //.bind(window)                                    

  •  Execute the printVehicleName function and the getVehicleName functions to see the results


  Correct the getVehicleName to print out the global variable vehicleName using the this keyword.

                        function printVehicleName() {

              console.log(this); // this prints the global vehicle name 'Toyota'

              console.log("Vehicle Name = " + this.vehicleName); // prints 'Nissan'

    Create a separate function using JavaScript closure which accepts the tax percentage and returns a function which accepts the amount and returns the amount after adding tax percentage. Try adding tax percentage to ‘this’ object and check if it works.


Write a function to call GitHub API (https://api.github.com/users) and get users and return the users to the caller.

Monday, February 20, 2017

DevOps and Continuous Integration

What is DevOps ?

DevOps is a combination of software development and operations and it uses the practices and tools that enhance an organization's ability to deliver applications and services faster.

Rather than seeing these as two distinct groups who are responsible for their specific tasks but don’t really work together, the DevOps method recognizes the interdependence of the two groups. By integrating development and operation as one team or department, DevOps helps an organization deploy software more frequently, while maintaining service stability and gaining the speed necessary for more innovation.

And, in the end, everyone is able to deliver the best results and overall experience possible to the customer.

Benefits of DevOps 

  1. Speed
  2. Rapid delivery of applications. (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)
  3. Reliability
  4. Scale
  5. Security

What is Continuous Integration ?

Initially developer's update their code to the code repository once a day. Without continuous integration, the odds of one developer’s changes conflicting with another developer’s changes are very high. When long periods of time go by without integration, the problems that surface can be huge and costly to track down and fix.

A developer starts by checking their code out of the depository, makes the changes needed, tests and, fi the code passes all tests, checks in the changed code and tests again to ensure that other programmers’ changes aren’t in conflict. Because everyone is starting from the freshest code available and checks their code in frequently, bugs are easier to track down and it’s easier to revert back to known good code.

Continuous integration offers these benefits:
  1. It reduces the risk of project derailment.
  2. It helps prevent integration problems cropping up at release when everyone tries to make incompatible versions work together.
  3. Developers communicate better.
  4. Changes are always made to the freshest code base rather than obsolete code.
  5. Problems and bugs are found faster because the size of the changed code is smaller. 

With continuous integration, the code that’s checked into the repository is always ready to be deployed to end users, leading to continuous deployment.

--- Ashen Jayasinghe ---

Saturday, February 18, 2017

JavaScript Classes and Prototypes

This is a tutorial on the 1st lab session of Application Frameworks conducted at SLIIT for the 3rd year 1st semester batch .
Basically in this tutorial we will learn about JavaScript functions, variables, statements etc.

 First question is  to write a JavaScript function to update a text typed by a user in a text box to a div in real time. 

Note that i have used "onKeyUp" as a event for the textbox. The onKeyUp event executes the JavaScript function when the user releases a key on the keyboard.

Second question is to create a JavaScript class called Vehicle and Car. Car class should extend from Vehicle class. Vehicle class should have a method to set and price of the Vehicle.

First of all I created a html file and a JavaScript file and linked the js file to the the html file as shown below.

In JavaScript we don't define methods inside the constructor function instead we add functions to the prototype chain.

function Vehicle () {
             this.amount = 1000;

Vehicle.prototype.setAmount = function (amount) {
               this.amount = amount ; 

We can use the Object.create() approach to extend Car class from Vehicle Class. (Inheritance)

Car.prototype = Object.create(Vehicle.prototype);

Car.prototype.constructor = Car; //This is just to make sure that the correct constructor is being called.
Next we should create a object from Car class
var car = new Car();

Notice that the amount is printing as undefined and when you enter OK the new set amount is displayed as 10000.

--- Ashen Jayasinghe ---

Monday, February 6, 2017

Student Management System

SLIIT 2nd year Final Project - Student Management System

For the 2nd year 2nd semester Final IT Project we developed a Management System for SLIIT Kandy Branch. This system will provide easy solutions to various major issues faced by the institution with their manual system.

As we know the success of an educational organizational highly depends on its ability to get accurate and reliable on carrying out operations of different nature and to manage these information effectively for future use. It consumes a lot of time to manually keep track of all activities, subjected to crash and is inefficient. Hence, an automated system is demanding.

The core objective this system is to come up with an up to date system which will perform the required administrative and management tasks efficiently. It will also provide an integrated system as they were handling all activities separately.

For the problem introduced by our client we decided to implement a Web based system that will deliver the tools to simplify the tasks of managing the data and extracting information effectively.

Other objectives are as follows.

  1. Keep track of Student Attendance, Financial Data, and Exam Results etc. 
  2. Manage Inventory items and reduce data duplication. 
  3. Increase security by managing different user levels 
  4. Simplify hours of complex complications such as calculating accounting data. 
  5. Generate various kind of Charts to analyze data. 
  6. System inbuilt Print, Email, Export and other special functions.

Other benefits that will be provided by the system are as follows.

  1. Efficient record management. 
  2. User friendly interfaces 
  3. Search records efficiently 
  4. Easy to use. 
  5. Concurrent use. 
Main goal of developing this system is to provide a software solution in the form of a web application to automate the manual processes done by the staff members in order to increase the convenience and efficiency.

What you did individually to the Project?

Our group had 8 members and we divided the project into 8 sections and assigned them accordingly. I did the Accounting section of the project. 

Following are the functions that I developed. 
  1. Record (Add, edit, update, delete) degree student fees, Expense Details. 
  2. User friendly Data insert and email interfaces. 
  3. Record Daily Expenses.(Automatically calculates Price, Balance due, Total, Sub Total ) 
  4. Dynamic Search options (Search Student No, Expense No) in every page. 
  5. Sending payment confirmation and payment reminder emails for each student. 
  6. Send email option to anyone. 
  7. Print data driven and live editable Receipts, Purchase Order, Invoice. 
  8. Export all tables to xls format. 
  9.  Analyze tables (Degree Student fee and Expense detail tables) from data driven Charts.

Analysing Expenses using Bar charts


If you were to do it again what would you have done differently?

I would use a framework like Codeigniter to build the web application and introduce it to the other members as well rather than coding the application manually. Using a framework would have made development easier and we would have saved a lot of time and focusing on developing more functions from the saved time.
Understanding more about my team members' strengths and weaknesses.
Should have used a code repository tool like git or GitHub.
Technologies used: HTML5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL, PHP, Bootstrap framework, PHPMailer, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, WAMP. 

--Ashen Jayasinghe --